Our Little Family

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Long time Overdue

Judy Lynn
So here I sit with my laptop feeling like...."now what?, I thought I had a bunch to say and now I don't even know how to start."

The past year and eight months has been such a roller coaster for all of us.  We have been through a lifetime of tears, laughs, triumphs, sadness, tragedy, and blessings.  In a way it seems like it has been forever since our life was changed, but then it also seems like it was just yesterday.  I feel like we live life with that timeline always in the back of our heads referring to life how it was, and now how it is..... post "event".  I am hoping that as the days and weeks pass, this blog will serve as an outlet, and possible insight to getting though tough times, and finding the joy in the end.  I am sure there will be lots of laughs and lots of tears.  Looking forward to the journey ahead.

Till next time,