Our Little Family

Saturday, March 12, 2011

The "Principal's Office"

So the stigma of going to the principals office does not disappear once you grow up.  As children, the idea of being told we have to go talk to the principal was absolutely terrifying! So when Wonderboy's teacher called and said we had to schedule a meeting to discuss his behavior, a huge lump developed in my throat.  So we set a date for 4 days later, and the worrying was to start immediately.  Wonderboy had been accused of starting a "rumor" about another two students, and their parents were upset and wanted consequences for his actions.  So of course we had to find out what the source of the "rumor" was, and after a short discussion, it was very clear that Wonderboy was the scapegoat for the other kids who originally gave him the information.  He was just repeating what he had heard from them.  Autism can be a funny thing when it comes to social settings.  We knew before the meeting that the consequences for his actions needed to be minimal because of the circumstances.  However, the anticipation of the meeting was terrible.  The meeting went well, and much better than I ever could have expected.  Wonderboy was called into the office later, and the fear was palpable on his face.  Love my little guy, and his heart is so big.  He wants to be good, and he wants to please.  So I found myself counting my blessings even after leaving a stressful situation that my family is the best on the planet.

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